Tuesday 13 January 2015

Royal Jelly Benefits – Bee Products Reviewed

What is Royal Jelly and what are the benefits of this bee product? 
Royal Jelly Benefits Bee Products that give Vitamins

Royal Jelly is a secretion made by adult bees to feed the larvae of the queen bee – hence the name. It is a food fit for Queen offspring only. This secretion is also fed to adult queen bees too making it a regal feast for all bees. So what makes it so special then? Well as the older queen starts to fade, the workers of the colony must decide on a new leader to rule their colony.

The workers then pump copious amounts of Royal jelly into several chosen larvae in an effort to boost the immature bee larvae into a new and powerful Queen bee. The ingredients found within Royal jelly benefits the development of larvae into the morphology of a queen bee including the development of ovaries to enable more larvae to be produced. Without this supplement these larvae would simply grow into adult bees. This famous bee product is a food of the elite, it’s highly prized and expensive to buy – but what makes it so good?

Royal Jelly benefits as Bee Products

The composition of Royal Jelly is remarkable:

  • 67% water
  • 12.5% crude protein and amino acids
  • 11% simple sugars (monosaccharide)
  • 5% of fatty acids
  • Royal Jelly also contains many trace minerals some enzymes antibacterial and antibiotic components
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and trace amounts of vitamin C

The presence of Royalactin in Royal Jelly

This single protein found within the royal jelly benefits the growth of bee ovaries, but what are the health benefits to humans of bee products such as this elite Jelly – does it contain suitable supplements and vitamins fit for human consumption?

The Royal Jelly benefits:

Consuming this supplement is said to help elevate certain conditions found in people. These include:
  • Increasing strength, energy and vitality
  • Eliminating fatigue
  • Creates hormonal balance in men and women
  • Decreases stress levels
  • Promotes better concentration
  • Improves memory functioning
  • Acts as a natural shield against flu and colds
  • Reduces acne, eczema, and skin disorders
  • Decreases PMS in women

It is often referred to as Honey Bee Milk or Bees Spit and to some extent this is true. However the term Royal Jelly does give a more regal sound than spit. Increasing your body’s strengths is a key feature of this product. It really does benefit those who are looking to boost themselves whilst increasing the natural ability of their bodies to fight off common illnesses and conditions that affect us all at some point in our lives.


As with all honey it is advisable not to consume any bee products if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding as your newborn or child could become affected by natural occurring bacteria found within honey. Despite the numerous royal jelly benefits it is always advisable to consult with your medical practitioner before consuming any supplement, regardless of how natural it is.

Now you’ve read of the amazing royal jelly benefits, take some time to reflect on why this elite food of bees is one of the world’s most famous bee products.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing benefits of Royal Jelly. Organic Royal Jelly is the best for skin and health problems.
